Our Attitude about the World


Our Attitude about the World

Marching to Zion

Welcome to Prayer Closet Images where we have the images that are to be viewed while thinking on the Word of God. On today, we have the image “Marching to Zion”. In the Image we see a man in different phases of his march to Zion. He shows his attitude about the world as we see that he has taken a turn and is marching straight away to his destination. In the same way we must keep our concentration on our task which is to arrive at our destination of Glory. In the journey we are to apply the teachings of Jesus at each point of the way. Although we are assured of our final outcome, the journey is rife with twists and turns that sometimes make the outcome seem to be uncertain. We are to nevertheless keep our attention on the task at hand. When we have applied correctly the things that Jesus commanded us to do, we must also keep in mind that they are in direct opposition to the things that the world holds as the correct things to do. We will surely suffer from the world for going against the norms of the world. We are to nevertheless keep on keeping on with the instructions that we have received from the Lord. In the end we will receive what we desire, and that is a crown of Glory in everlasting life.


We read in Matthew “Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Living according to the word of God will cause us to be in direct opposition to the world in which we live. By living a Godly life, we will definitely suffer persecution. A physical attack and a personal attack of slander against those that love the Lord will be made.

Physical and Personal Attack

We are aware that the world will hate us for our love of the Lord. We are also aware that we will be physically attacked by the world and in that attack, we will definitely feel the attack in our body. The pain will definitely be real. The attack that is made against us must be made for things done for Jesus’s sake. There is no blessing for attacks that are based in reality. Those things that we do that are true sins are valid attacks made by the world. There will be no blessings in the eternal Kingdom of the Lord God in which we go for attacks on us for personal sins.

Slanderous Attack

The world will levy a slanderous attack against the followers of Jesus because the world will be disturbed by the things that we do for the sake of Jesus. We are to allow the world to hate us, and the Lord will reward us for loving Him although the world hates us for doing so. The world has an expiration date, but the Lord will last forever, therefore we will choose to love the Lord anyway, although it will cost us, we will consider the cost that we will have to pay and we will pay the cost gladly.


Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. The correct attitude brings blessings even when the blessings come from attacks on us. When you are persecuted for Jesus’s sake then you will receive blessings. Knowing that the world will slander us for obeying the Lord is to be fore warned, and to be forwarded is to go into the attack prepared for the attack. To be prepared makes it easier to fend off the effects of the attack. While under the attack we can rejoice and be very glad that we are attacked and slandered for the Lords sake and that we will receive blessings.

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