Love never fails


In the image we see three women. The woman on the far right has turned around and faces the opposite direction as the center woman, and the woman on the left. Two have their hands up steadying their load and one has her hands down holding seven flowers. It appears to be early in the day and things are present in the air around them as if it were the fall of the year. The colors present are blue, green, yellow, and red, the prime colors that make all the colors of the spectrum.

Three Women

Love is patient

Patience is the act of suffering for a long time. The suffering is not the regular suffering we endure because we have committed a wrong. The suffering that patience represents is suffering for the Lord God and for the Kingdom of God. Usually we can know if the suffering that we are involved in is for God when it can be traced to scripture. When scripture says a thing about our current suffering then we can be assured that we are patiently suffering for the Lord. Godly suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance character, and character hope. The hope that we speak of is not the ordinary worldly hope but the Godly hope of glory. That is the humble way of saying the assurance of obtaining Glory. The hope of glory is the assurance that we will experience glory having suffered for the Kingdom of God. In this way patience never fails.

Love is kind

Kindness is described as having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. Kindness goes against the normal flow of things. Usually the normal attitude is mean and surly. To see kindness displayed is a breath of fresh air. To receive a friend we must show ourselves friendly. A good friend is hard to find but when one is found they should be cared for with all we have. Generosity is rare indeed, the normal thing that we see is stinginess and holding what we have with a tight fist. It is written: Give and it shall be given unto you; pressed down and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Kindness is being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others. Kindness is all of these things all at once. Since kindness brings generosity and generosity brings more, then, kindness never fails.

Love does not envy

Envy is the feeling that someone other than our self is receiving something that we are not receiving. When we are convinced that we are receiving all that we are entitled to, the feeling of our having to have our things and also the things that others have, leaves us, and we are content with what the Lord has given us. When we are in this space then we never fail but instead our lack of envy strengthens us and we prosper.

Love is humble

It has been said that true humbleness is when we realize that we did not make ourselves. When we realize the Lord has made us and we have not made ourselves we become humble and look to our maker for our instructions. When we live by the makers instructions then we succeed in all things and never fail. Love is humble and humbleness never fails.

Love never fails

Love is the one thing that will survive all things and will be here when the new order is beginning. If we would hold on to anything the thing that will be profitable will be to hold on to love and love will pull us through. Love is patient, love is kind, love envies not, love is humble, and many other things describe love. But most of all, the things that make up love and describe love never fail and the combination of these things produce the same results, and that result is failing not. Therefore, if success is what is desired then love is the direction to go, for Love never fails.

To apply love to any situation we apply any of the things that make up love. Patience, Kindness, Not Envying, and Being humble.

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